Our Home Base!

The Watering Hole is our home base for TruetoTanzania. It includes our three cabins, bar and restaurant, offices and our Kivuli Workshop.
The cabins are part of our B&B, which is open to all guests. For those who choose to go on safari or climb on Kilimanjaro with us, TWH is your exclusive B&B.
The bar and restaurant borders The Pangani River and is designed to give our guests a place to hang out and enjoy cocktails, wine, Tanzanian brewery beers, and some of our homemade dishes!

Bed and Breakfast
The primary function of The Watering Hole is a Bed and Breakfast. We offer-top-of-the-line accommodations and service from our friendly staff. We have three cabins which can house up to 8 people. In addition, we have a bar and restaurant where our guests will be served three meals a day at no extra charge. Our food is locally grown and completely organic, making for fresh and tasty meals. Additionally, our staff is happy to help with any transportation in Moshi or the surrounding areas, even airport pickup/drop off is available. Book on Airbnb or contact us below to reserve your stay!
Kivuli Workshop
We call our workshop “Kivuli Workshop”, ‘kivuli’ is a Swahili word that symbolically translates to, “those who provide shade.” Tanzania can be one of the hottest places on Earth, so shade is very important and symbolic of safety and comfort. Being a non-profit focused on enriching the lives of Tanzanians believe we provide a much needed reprieve from the daily struggles of life, by offering an opportunity for work and growth in a safe place.
The Mission: How We Give Back
TruetoTanzania is a non-profit business, providing bi-lateral benefits to both tourists and Tanzanians. Our tourists experience the beauty of Tanzania by being uniquely immersed in the culture while maintaining a quality and fun experience. Tanzanians are empowered through on site training in the Kivuli workshop, training in tourism and hospitality management, funding for university and children’s education, and a backup emergency fund for our staff. Additionally, our staff are the shareholders of TruetoTanzania and The Watering Hole, so all revenue is reinvested in operations and employee development. Despite being a non-profit, we are not a charity as we do not accept donations. A fundamental belief of TruetoTanzania is self-empowerment. In light of this we hope to encourage tourism from all parts of the world, and to share in the growth and development of Tanzania and its people. Come experience Tanzania with us and share in our mission!